Antidepressants make you more depressed

Antidepressants make you more depressed. And if you`re lucky, the drug may have absolutely no effect at all, and certainly won`t lift the depression, new research has discovered.
Around half of all people taking an antidepressant have “treatment-resistant depression” (TRD), which means the drug does not help their condition. But there is a smaller minority who develop “chronic depressive syndrome” – which means their depression worsens – as a direct consequence of taking an antidepressant, such as Prozac. Researchers from the Louisville School of Medicine call the drug-induced depression “tardive dysphoria”, mirroring tardive dyskinesia, which is caused by antipsychotic drugs. Tardive dysphoria is “an active process in which a depressive picture is caused by continued administration of the antidepressant.” (Source: Medical Hypotheses, 2011; 76: 769-73).